Horilla is a free & open source ERP solution implemented in Python using the framework Django.  In the initial phase the development is focused on the HR solutions in the ERP which includes the recruitment, onboarding, employee management, attendance management, leave management, performance management and asset management. #horilla 
So why choose Horilla? #hrsoftware 
Selecting a free & open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it eliminates licensing costs, making it a cost-effective option for businesses. Secondly, open-source ERP provides flexibility and customization, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs. It also fosters collaboration and innovation through the contributions of a vibrant developer community. Open-source ERP ensures transparency and security by enabling users to review and modify the source code. Additionally, it promotes vendor independence, preventing vendor lock-in and facilitating integration with other systems. By opting for free and open-source ERP, businesses gain cost savings, adaptability, transparency, and long-term sustainability. #hrms
What is Horilla?

What is Horilla?


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