Matthew Crook profili

Littoral Creatures of Eastern Microbia

At one point on the second voyage of the Microbian naturalist, Lexandis Pisking, the ship took some damage during a storm and took shelter in a large bay on the east side of Lennox. After the storm passed, the crew set about repairing the ship. And Pisking, resorting to form, wandered the beach, drawing whatever creatures he encountered.

Plants and Algae
Frilled Sea Lettuce

Pod Kelp

Sandbar Palm

Surf Grass

Lantern Sponge

Lady's Hat Coral

Green-nose Anemone

Bluefinger Jellyfish

Comb Hydroid

Twisted Tube Worm

Handon's Sea Star
Curling Brittle Star

Wandering Sea Urchin

Solar Disc Sand Dollar

Horned Sea Cucumber

Glimpson's Sand Beetle

Lennoxan Sandfly

Mariner Dragonfly
Blue-backed Bulbous Scud

Stalked Barnacle

Strident Hermit Crab
Least Mole Crab

Goblin-ear Abalone

Fig Limpet
Striped Cowrie

Unicorn Whelk

Orange Moon Snail
Double Turban Snail
Long-beaked Nudibranch
Three-crested Sea Hare

Roseate Clam
Crookneck Oyster

Bowl Scallop

Common Bluff Mussel

Greenback Chiton
Fairy Octopus

Olive-headed Loon

Queen Grebe

Long-beaked Albatross

Eastern Storm Petrel

Teal Penguin

Blue-footed Gannet
Magnificent Pelican

Intertidal Cormorant

Red-headed Spoonbill

Rufous Whistling Duck

Painted Wigeon

Collared Eider
Ring-necked Scaup

Buff-breasted Scoter

Toxic Rail

Mewling Plover

Red-breasted Oystercatcher

Green-crowned Avocet

White-barred Curlew

Blue-billed Dowitcher
Lennoxan Sandpiper

Banded Turnstone

Yellow-winged Yellowlegs

Lennoxan Gull

Royal Crested Tern

Speckled Auklet
Lesser Murre

Osbornean Puffin

Flightless Didine
Other Vertebrates
Bulbous Blenny

Six-striped Sculpin

Ridgeback Iguana

Hognose Sea Turtle

Lennoxan Sea Otter

In addition to drawing the local wildlife, Pisking drew his pet gluttonous owl, Chemonides, a clamor that was found stowed away on the ship (and the little cottage that the seamen built so that he would stay off the ship), and several houses built by mammalian creatures called gunnels. Gunnels are known for building elaborate houses out of sticks, leaves, bark, etc. But in this case they had collected flotsam from a naval battle that had happened in that bay nearly two decades prior. Pisking was so delighted with their little metal houses that he drew several of them. In one of the drawings you can even see the inhabitant.

Gluttonous Owl


Gunnel Houses

These illustrations of fictional animals were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
Littoral Creatures of Eastern Microbia
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