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3rd Thessaloniki Design Week

​​​​​​​Food, nutrition, diet, cooking, feast, restaurant, taste, meal. Irrespective of language, place, time or culture, these words and their signification are equally powerful, important, recognisable and valuable. They are inextricably interrelated, associated and intertwined with life itself.

Design shapes, in an increasingly dynamic, decisive and influential way, every aspect of the culinary ecosystem and its constituent elements. Aligned with creativity, talent and ingenuity it supports, frames, highlights, communicates, invents images, flavors, smells, aromas, experiences, environments. From June 6th through the 11th, Thessaloniki Design Week 2023 created the dialogue framework where the relationship between design and gastronomy came into focus. Aiming to approach and elaborate this topic in a more comprehensive way, for six days, both experts and the general public will have the opportunity to interact, discuss, share information, exchange views and ideas and reflect on a multitude of individual issues. 

Boo Republic was selected to design the identity and overall visuals for the 3rd Thessaloniki Design Week (part of World Design Weeks). With design's interrelation with gastronomy in mind, we designed the key visual as a notion to this consensus - where the pencil, hovers over an plate. Like the rush of the service or the "horror vacui" prior to any design, the key visual set the tone for all applications. This metaphorical "exclamation mark" is vibrant, colourful and truly bright, to convey the summer mood of Thessaloniki, an UNESCO city of Gastronomy. All illustrative compositions that comprise this identity, carry the message that design is ubiquitous across all fields; from creating a new dish, to ethical cultivations and from packaging to sustainable food production. 

The 3rd Thessaloniki Design Week identity, painted in colour buildings, points of interest, window shops and street corners during the summer days at the city of Thessaloniki, making an impact with its bold visual identity system by celebrating creativity both in the design and food industry. The Design Week was organised by Philartia  under the support of the City of Thessaloniki.

Boo Republic® 2023

Kudos: Spiros Tsafaras (General Manager) / Panos Remoundos (Project Manager) / Argyro Mparata (Communication Manager) / Mirella Menegaki (Social Media Manager) / Christina Ioannides (Volunteer Manager) / Tenia Menegaki  (Architect on Exhibition Design) / Kalina Ntampiza (Exhibition design assistant) / Konstantinos Stathis (Director & Audiovisual Content Manager) / Michael Palamas (Cinematographer) / Dimitris Antonopoulos (Curator of Thessaloniki City of Gastronomy Conference & Food Styling exhibition) / Dimitris Karakontinos (Curator of Thessaloniki Design Gems) and all volunteers for making it a unique experience.
Additional photos provided by: Olga Deikou. Renders by: Kleon Zissimopoulos
3rd Thessaloniki Design Week


3rd Thessaloniki Design Week

Boo Republic was commissioned to design the identity and overall visuals for the 3rd ThessDW (part of World Design Weeks). With design's interrel 阅读更多内容
