In the beginning stages color keys were used as guides for us to paint the full frames over and increase the pace of completion. To get the desired effect we wanted we opted out of frame by frame animation and went for a polished animatic style to the video. It allowed us to focus on getting the feeling right rather than trying to capture movement with the little animatin knowledge we started with.
The project brief was to create a video using a soundclip provided by our professors. We chose a clip from the opening of the movie Napoleon Dynamite and ran with the concept, choosing to adapt it into a cheesy monster movie trailer based on Napoleon's descriptions exactly and make it as overly dramatic as possible.
For this project I handled mainly production design and background painting while my partner did character design and compiled the audio. We both worked on frames, storyboarding and other odd jobs to make the video happen.
The project was a huge learning experience for us, in just 4 weeks we had to complete out video from concept to final product and the outcome was better than we could have hoped for a freshmen Foundation year project.
Loch Ness

Loch Ness

Loose storyboard/color keys done for a final animation project brief.
