Kirill Alert's profile


Street Art
Vologda mural 2.0
// A street-art festival mural

Description: During summer of 2023 our collective ЦЕХ (Tsekh or Glid in russian) was happy to take part in Vologda's second street-art festival Palisad 2.0. There were lots of writers all over Russia, and many objects to customize. As a part of our mutual tradition, we have chosen one of the most highest objects of the festival.
It took only 30 hours to create this 11 floor mural on a 12 floor building!

The narrative of the mural is dedicated to russian tales and the relationship of one of the most common tale characters - a Fox and a Chicken. The lettering part says Further\Closer\Face to face. As the surface was pretty long and narrow we decided to use those words to contrast the nature of the two creatures. A Fox and a Chicken as an perfect portrait of an endless rivalry, trickery and outsmarting each other.
The final iteration of the mural
One of the digital iterations of the project
Thanks for watching!
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