According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the language we speak determines the way we see the world. 
The difference between the European languages that use the Latin alphabet is given visually by the diacritical marks, which can support the hypothesis because sound and meaning are also expressed in typographic features. 

The MIGRÉ typeface explores this hypothesis through its diacritical marks and the signs of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), asking the question: what would be the effect on our mentality 
if we spoke a language that do not exist?

The name "MIGRÉ" comes from the word "migration", because according to the story of the Fon t, people came together to create a new language.

The broadsheet presents a fictional origin story, similar to the Tower of Babel. The story is that people of all nationalities gathered at the tower to create a common language. The action is presented in AI-generated images: the wanderings, the conversations, the agreements and the fictional linguists. 

The specimen shows the MIGRÉ typeface, its structure and composition. The letters are arranged in families, each of which has its own style and deliberately retains the possibility of contingency.

Thanks for watching!
Made at the Média&Design Eger
Hungary // 2023
Consultant: Süli-Zakar Szabolcs DLA
Printing: NewsPaper Club, Peterborough, UK​​​​​​​
MIGRÉ typeface

MIGRÉ typeface

The MIGRÉ typeface explores the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis through its diacritical marks and the signs of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), 자세히 보기
