Sweet Spiga
Prodotti Spiga srl presented at SIGEP, Rimini's pastry fair, "Sweet Spiga," the new line of pastry mixes and semi-finished products intended for laboratories. For this occasion I designed a catalog presenting the product lines with recipes for their possible use.
Vegan & Me(at)
Another line of products dedicated to the vegan world or those approaching from afar was presented on the same occasion. An alternative meat line, or substitute, made solely from vegan products. I coined for this product the name "Vegan & Me(at)" precisely to describe the condition of the target audience of non-vegan people who through substitute products can approach the vegan world without losing some flavors.

All the product images then became posters inside the exhibition booth.
Prodotti Spiga
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Prodotti Spiga

Design of catalogs, leaflets and posters for presentation of semi-finished products for pastry and bakery by Spiga Products.

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