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End of study project - Iron Deficiency

In 2019, 759 000 women were pregnant in France. During these nine months, those women are experiencing a unique time to let a new human grow in their bodies. It is not an easy task when their body is going through this. Indeed, it is working on their hormones, and the fetus needs a lot of different nutrients to grow. One of the crucial nutrients is Iron. The study says that Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency found in pregnant women. 40% of pregnant women all around the world have Iron deficiency.
In France, 10 to 15% of pregnant women have Anemia, and 60% have an iron deficiency during the 3rd semester. Iron is an oligo element that allows us to breathe. Lack of Iron has a huge impact on pregnant women and their fetus. Every family wishes to have a healthy and strong baby. Hence, women need to take care of what she is eating during pregnancy. That directly gives them the energy which results in a healthy fetus.
Where can we find Iron? How should we consume it? This book covers all the crucial aspects of Iron during pregnancy.
Perle de vie, which means life's pearl was thought to bring comfort and nutriment to the future mother. Indeed, for a lot of women, pregnancy means frustration in terms of food and body issues.
Few concepts were thought to bring back iron into their lives by finding the best way to add it. "Pause Fer Play" was born (means "respectful break"). It is a snack full of power made with a secret recipe to go through the whole pregnancy by bringing the right amount of iron. Being surrounded by doctors and different nutritionists. I was able to make those gummies. From research with pregnant women, exploring the best concept, to producing it and finding the best way to sell it and pack it. It was a project full of learning.
End of study project - Iron Deficiency

End of study project - Iron Deficiency
