School project concept is based on the hormones that play an important role in our lives. Acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter of learning, thinking and memory. Its molecule is embedded in the school plan. The sports area of the school is also represented by hormone adrenaline. Dopamine is responsible for pleasure, joy and motivation so it is associated with the recreation school area.

The concept idea is to lay in the plans the main driving hormones for learning and socialization which will subconsciously motivate children to study, friendship, sports, recreation, etc.
Territory includes primary and high school with outside recreation areas with fields for moving games or quiet rest. School provides a large area for sports like jogging, football, basketball, volleyball, athletics and gymnastics.
School is designed for 22 general education classes providing enough space for studing, recreation and socialisation. Besides educational classes school has club & performance and physics & sports premises. To ensure safe and comportable being school is equipped with canteen, medical and administration rooms. Recreation spaces occupy a huge part of school because social life is important in school life.
Secondary School

Secondary School
