Randsomator, ransom note generator
Would You like a 100% procedural design tool (script) that allows You to create ransom note text in seconds without leaving AE? Now it's possible! With this script, You can get thousands of style combinations with a few clicks! Randsomator grabs all the fonts on the system, combines them, and outputs the result.
One slider to rule them all
Change the entire design with just one slider!
Separate sliders for each symbol
Achieve full control over each character with a dedicated slider
Typography features
You can modify the tracking, scale, and rotation​​​​​​​
Texture generation
Randsomator simulates various texture types, making the paper unique and randomly crafted. All you have to do is to play with the seed slider.
It is inspired by real-world paper and typography design
Carefully designed algorithms make every piece unique. Hundreds of small details, taken together, produce natural-looking results.​​​​​​​
Old, but gold.
Ransom note style is never out of fashion. It will work nicely almost for every project!
