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Guarden - Gardening App UI/UX

Guarden is a fictitious gardening application, you can access data about diseases, pests, growing season, water requirements, nutrients, association possibilities (mini-encyclopaedia, with pictures, data) and you can plan your garden with the garden builder, customize the schedule, when to water, spray etc.

The app aims to help with the problem of making gardening easily accessible for beginners and advanced gardeners alike, as climate change makes it increasingly difficult to grow hobby gardens, and even large-scale farmers often suffer from unpredictable weather.

Furthermore, there are many plant apps on the market but none of them aim to provide synthesis help, the results of UX research showed that there is a great need for such an app.

The main approach for the ui design was to keep it minimalist as the app has a lot of colorful images for the encyclopedia so it won't be distracting for the user to browse, so light grey tones dominate and the main design colour is green, which is a reference to nature and also a reminder of the brand. The typography was designed to be easy to read and not too geometric due to the lexical nature of the site, so a slightly condensed sans-serif typeface was chosen.
When you log in the application you an create your own garden, and you can use the schedule tool as well, but you want to try the apps encyclopaedia without restriction you have an option to do that.
The encyclopaedia has a filtering option that allows you to select plants relevant to your region of interest, based on gps or by manually entering the information.
The menu provides easy access to the app's services. Among them is the scheduler where you can set when to water, spray or fertilize if necessary. It can also be added to your phone's calendar,
Finally, the app has a garden planner, where you can design a vegetable garden, or even a large farmhouse garden, based on the plant associations. The app also has help functions, and you can add landmarks and objects to make plots more recognisable, or even define how far away you can start planting a vegetable or fruit.
Guarden - Gardening App UI/UX
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Guarden - Gardening App UI/UX

Guarden is a fictitious gardening application, you can access data about diseases, pests, growing season, water requirements, nutrients, associat Daha Fazla Bilgi

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