Time Traveler
Time Traveler
Time Traveler
Time Traveler
I'm glad that my wife is a good sport about letting me use her likeness in these experiments as I learn a little more each time I generate these images and the results become even more facially accurate and convincing.  The technical nuances still eat away at my brain.  The resulting images here were based on a completely different AI data model that was really good at creating the clothes she's wearing in the pictures as well as the overall lighting, shadowing, details, color grading, mood and atmosphere.  Those are variables that I traditionally spend hours into days fine tuning in Adobe Photoshop on individual layers.

I suspect that the clothing in these pictures is probably something invented by Hollywood and the gaming industry as it seems like a synthesis of Victorian era or style clothing mixed with styles from other eras and genres.  Fun stuff!  🙂
Time Traveler
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Time Traveler

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