Perfil de Nicola Holloway

Girona - Spain - Short Film Residency

Residency - Girona, Spain - Creative Director of Short Film
From the 27th of June to the 11th of July, I was successful as to securing an International Residency to create a 3D stereoscopic film, whilst taking up the role of Visual Director. This short document will be a documented account of my residency, and reflect on the incredible experiences and culture that were embraced during my time in Girona, Spain.

The trip provided a unique opportunity for participants to explore professional 3D stereoscopic video. The trip consisted of workshops, lectures, and access to professional level facilities/equipment, offering us a rare chance for tuition within this highly specialist and rapidly growing area. 
There was also some time allocated for taking in some of the local sights.

During our residency in Spain, we covered the following areas:

- Introduction to 3D stereoscopic: Definition and concept.
- Biological principles of three-dimensional perception. Relief and distance.
- Operating principles of a stereoscopic camera
- Configuring a Stereoscopic Rig
- Audiovisual direction and production in stereoscopic projects
- Stereoscopic motion: typography and graphics
- Stereoscopic capture workshop: indoor shooting
- Stereoscopic capture workshop: outdoor shooting
- Postproduction and visual effects in 3D
- Postproduction and visual effects in 3D
- Stereoscopic exhibition and distribution.

Institutions Involved

The short program of study brought together students and teaching staff from University of Northampton, The Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Holland) and our host, Escola Universitària ERAM (Spain.) The students from Fonty’s University, situated in the Netherlands, studied Industrial Product Design.As Industrial Product Design students, they specialised in designing products for people, during the design process they also had to be aware of social trends as they are often as big an influence on the design process as knowledge of engineering aspects. This means that in addition to in depth knowledge of how to design and make functional products the students also had to be aware of and correctly interpret the social context, business context and commercial context of the product they are designing. The students from Escola, Girona, studied a degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication (DAMC), and their course was aimed at producing professionals with a multidisciplinary profile attractive to certain strategic sectors of the audiovisual industry in the context of new demands; professionals such as multimedia designers, audiovisual producers and directors of audiovisual and multimedia projects.

Elements of Application

The application process involved for the residency required a written 100 word statement, outlining why we wanted to be selected for the trip and what interested us to Stereoscopy in regard to our developing artistic practice. My application for the residency was as follows; "The concept of Stereoscopy is to enhance the illusion of depth, something I'm currently researching within my practice, through-by the investigation of hidden entities found in dark matter. With its presence in NASA’s archives, stereograms allow the presentation of Nebulas (and other scientific imagery) to be visible to the naked eye. Through my passion and interest toward developing technologies, and the prospect to engage in conversations between Art and Science - this program would provide a dynamic catalyst toward my practice. Selection would present me the opportunity to learn image relief and distancing techniques, via expert tuition within this specialised field, encompassing state of the art technology and research." Following the success of my statement, I had a telephone interview assessing my determinacy for the role.


The costs of flights, accommodation and some meals was covered through a grant awarded for the project. As an applicant, I was expected to contribute for additional meals and any personal expenses.

Travel arrangements

In regard to travel, flights were arranged by the University of Northampton, for both arrival and departure of Spain.

Technical Workshops
During our time in Spain, we were privileged to have a series of technical workshops and lectures from staff of ERAM’s University and the staff at BLOOM, through my accompanying sketchbook is a careful collation of these seminar sessions.
My Reflections and Thoughts

I don't think anything could have prepared me for what I was to experience in Girona, from culture, to industry experience. I felt within my short stay in Girona, I have met some incredible people, with some really interesting stories, I’ve experienced lectures from leading professionals in the Film industry, gaining hands on experience whilst doing so. I think it gave me the confidence to step forward, whilst in Spain, we had the opportunity to step up to forfill a role toward the making of our short film. I chose to pitch the role of Visual Director for the film, I pitched my strengths/interests and why I felt I could be strong in the role. I really thrived taking on the responsibility of the role, working alongside the Directors, and setting up the cameras for shoot, giving my visual input and managing the runners. I really liked the intensity to the program also, it really pushed me and, I think has prepared me for industry, should I want to explore this path following graduation. Having industry training in Adobe Suite, along with Video Editing Software like Final Cut Pro, was incredibly intense, particularly with a language barrier, and I feel I have taken so much away from it as a resultant positive. 
This language barrier also applied when it came to creating our film, I had anticipated this to be a potential issue, nonetheless, we all came together and formulated a fantastic team. 

I’d like to end this document on Girona’s national motto: Girona m’enamora, which translates to I fall in love with Girona…. Something I truly agree with. This residency has captured a piece of my heart, and I look forward to my future where I hope to experience residencies across the globe.

Girona - Spain - Short Film Residency

Girona - Spain - Short Film Residency
