Vanessa Henkes profili

Mapping Origins of Migration

Plunge into a captivating exploration of migration narratives and their connection to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a compelling storymap crafted during the second semester of my Master's program in Vienna. Collaborating with three talented colleagues, we present "Mapping Origins of Migration," an immersive project that sheds light on the personal stories of individuals who have migrated to various countries across the globe.
With an unwavering commitment to fostering understanding and empathy, the storymap delves into the complex and diverse dimensions of human migration. Through meticulous research and heartfelt storytelling, we unveil the challenges, triumphs, and often-unheard voices that lie at the heart of the migration experience. By giving voice to these personal journeys, our project seeks to establish a profound connection between viewers and the individuals who have embarked on transformative paths.
Incorporating a multidimensional approach, our project contextualizes these personal narratives within the framework of the UN SDGs. By highlighting the connections between migration and the global goals for sustainable development, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the impact of migration on social justice, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.
Mapping Origins of Migration
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Mapping Origins of Migration

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