Article Layout
The objective of this project was to refine design skills by keeping in mind the key points such as
Scaling - adjusting the size of various design elements within a layout in order to create visually appealing composition.
Font Style - selection and use of different typefaces and typography elements for a cohesive look.
Spacing - arrangement of different elements.
Value - use of elements in such a way that gives a sense of depth.
Positioning - placement of different design elements.
Tracking - adjustment of space between letters in a word or line of text.
Leading - to create emphasis on certain sections of text.
alignment - to create visual elements in a way that creates balance within the layout.
Margin - space between the edge of the page and the content of the design.

By following all these key points, we get the final output.
In conclusion, article layout is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of several key concepts such as scaling, value, tracking, leading, positioning, and alignment. By using these concepts effectively, we can create visually appealing and engaging layouts that effectively communicate the content of an article. Through this guidance designers can learn how to use these concepts to their advantage, creating designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The final layout of an article is the result of a careful balance between these various design elements, and the successful execution of each concept is crucial for creating a design that is both effective and engaging.
Article layout
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Article layout

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