I got involved just after Flex had finished it’s first year to come up with a more magazine style concept to see if a magazine was the way forward. After a few discussions and working out funding etc… it was decided that the paper should stay as a newspaper but have some magazine influences where possible.
As it was a new academic year it was hard to track people down for content. I was given 3/4 days (whilst being at university) with content still coming in right up to the print deadline to re-design the paper. The task was quite hard as I was designing blind, not really knowing what content would appear and when. It ended up as a big success, with all of the 2000 copies being snapped up within a couple of days and around a 1000 views online. The continuing design responsibility was then passed down to a new team of student designers so I could get on with my final year at university.
Flex Student Newspaper

Flex Student Newspaper

Re-design of the student newspaper whilst I studied at the University.
