Nicole Matthew さんのプロファイル

Ministry of Youth Development Information Design

The Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi – encourages and supports young people, aged between 12 and 24 years old, to develop and use knowledge, skills and experiences to participate confidently in 
their communities.
They have identified an issue that affects a specific section on youth in New Zealand.
They require the production of an informative campaign of information about the issue that creates awareness and outlines Identification, response and prevention of the issue.

Body Positivity is the youth issue I will be using. I will use illustrations of people (all different sizes and races) to create a series of posters, billboards, social media posts and more to raise awareness about body positivity being an issue for everyone. 
Ministry of Youth Development Information Design
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Ministry of Youth Development Information Design

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