Henkilön Amanda Arielle Lu profiili

The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower Publication Design

The Publication of The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower is a collaborative publication project by Nicole Chan and Amanda Arielle Lu. It is an ac The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower, a collaborative silkscreen project. 
Artists' Commentary
Even though Tatlin's Tower never came to exist, its ghost persists to reside in the hearts of every modern man - the thirst for fulfilment and success through perceived solutions in this world. 
The real question is not about what one is chasing in this life, but about why, and whether it is truly worth the chase at the end of the race.
Printed on a 1.5m x 3m large cotton cloth, the silkscreen print's massive scale imposes the undeniable presence of the ideologies of the Tower in the human condition.

The Publication of The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower serves to bring one through the craft process of this very work by reinventing the minimalistic, Suprematic typography style of El Lissitzky to create a visual story of the stages of production.
Special thanks to 
Nicole Chan for being the best team player anyone can ever ask for,
Ina Conradi for being hugely supportive of our ideas from day 1 to now, and
the rest of the folks of G3.

A 2D II module project in the School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University
The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower Publication Design

The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower Publication Design

The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower + The Ghost of Tatlin's Tower: A Publication are two collaborative silkscreen and editorial projects between Nicole C Lue lisää
