Profil appartenant à Cosmetic Tube

cosmetic plastic tubes packaging cream tube

wholesale custom 100ml plastic face wash clean cream empty cosmetic plastic tubes packaging cream tube
We can offer cosmetic plastic tubes as follows: mono-layer tube; double to five-layer tube, shapes from round, oval and more oval; diameters from 13 mm to 60 mm; capacities from 3ml to 400ml; custom length of tube sleeve (adjusted within the range of tube capacity); decorations up to offset printing, silkscreen printing, labeling and hot-stamping; colors from transparent, white to colored; finish in matte and gloss.

For More About BiRong,Please Contact Us As Below:
Contact: KaneLee
Wechat: birong13729681256
Telephone number: 086-13729681256
cosmetic plastic tubes packaging cream tube
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cosmetic plastic tubes packaging cream tube

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