Profil użytkownika „Paul Horton”

Jouney Home - Portraits

Quincy outside McKinney shelter.
Ned Coll is a community activist and has been for 50 years.  He was very helpful in providing the historical perspective.
Lorraine was homeless for almost 2 years until she found an apartment.  She has always been an advocate for people without a home, and then she found herself in the same situation.  It has only served to strengthen her resolve and commitment to the issue.
Phil at McKinney shelter.
Ann was homeless for 3 months when she moved back to Hartford.  She is now a member of Voices of Homeless, a group that speaks out about homelessness.
William has been without a home for 2 years.  
Alfredo has lived here under the bridge for 5 years, winter and summer.  We also met his friends Paul and Robert there.
Robert was himself homeless, and has been a manager at McKinney shelter for 15 years.
Jouney Home - Portraits

Jouney Home - Portraits

This is a group of portraits that were taken in the course of pursuing the Journey Home project. This group have all experienced homelessness at Rozwiń
