Divide Equally

Inspired by behavioural insights on serving sizes, we set out to design a range of simple, everyday kitchen tools to help home cooks easily measure a healthy portion size.
With increasing evidence linking larger portion sizes with unhealthy diets, we saw an opportunity to make a difference through design. If we could understand the root cause of the issue, we could develop a solution to fix it.

Through in-depth research and observation, we soon uncovered our answer: portion size information on packaging is hard to understand. Plus, no one but the ardent dieter wants to dose out individual ingredients. Meanwhile, most people under-estimate the amount of fruit and veg needed to reach the recommended 5-a-day goal.

The result was Divide Equally - a range of intuitive tools designed for home cooks to use on a day-to day-basis. As part of the range, we designed ‘Cone’ - a set of simple, silicon disks that measures the recommended portion of your selected ingredient. Available in each of the three major food groups, cooks need only to select the ingredient and roll up the cone to find the right portion.

+ Find out more here​​​​​​​
Divide Equally


Divide Equally



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