Jacques Rival's profile

I.F.O, 2013-2018

Exhibition & Signage
IFO, in Le Monde, july 12th, 2008
Visitors to King’s Cross will be able to scan the night sky for an intriguing illumination from mid-
November, thanks to an artwork that will be hovering over the area for the next two years.
IFO (Identified Flying Object) will light up the sky by night and come to rest on the ground by
day as part of RELAY an art programme that is being created for the King’s Cross redevelopment.
Anglo-French curating partnership Michael Pinsky and Stéphanie Delcroix have been selected
to coordinate the first three years of a nine-year arts programme that is set to turn the King’s
Cross area into a destination for discovering international contemporary art. RELAY, the program’s
title, is inspired by the continual carrying and preserving of the Olympic flame and
by King’s Cross as an international transport hub and a place in transition. RELAY plays with
the notion of the human chain, the transfer from one means of transport to another and the
phasing of the development scheme.
The first RELAY installation, IFO, is by French artist and architect Jacques Rival. The bars of
IFO’s 9m high, dome-shaped cage are wide enough apart to walk through, so visitors during
the day can enter the cage and sit on the swing at its centre, enjoying the surroundings from
this unusual vantage point. By night, the bars of the cage will be illuminated in a brilliant array
of colours and once a month the whole artwork will be hoisted up into the air by the biggest
crane on the site.
“Jacques Rival’s response to King’s Cross is both poetic and pertinent”, say Pinsky and Delcroix.
“This nomadic sculpture follows the flux and flow of this new district which is evolving day by
day. Over the coming months IFO will be found over coffee kiosks, amidst the construction
sites, on buildings
Les visiteurs de King’s Cross seront en mesure de scruter le ciel la nuit et observer pour un éclairage curieux de Novembre 2011,
grâce à une œuvre d’art flottant dans les airs.
IFO (Identified Flying Object) allumée de nuit dans le ciel et posé au sol la journée, accompagnant un développement urbain à Londres.
Les curateurs Michael Pinsky et Stéphanie Delcroix ont été choisis pour coordonner les trois premières années sur un programme de neuf ans pour promouvoir des installations d’art contemporain.
RELAIS, le titre du programme, est inspiré par la transmission de la flamme olympique et connectée à King’s Cross hub de transport international jouant avec la notion de chaîne humaine, transfert d’un moyen de transport à un autre.
La première installation du programme est IFO :
Un cage à oiseau géante laissant passer le passant, et étant pourvue de barreaux lumineux et d’un balançoire en son centre, permettant d’apprécier les environs depuis ce nouveau lieu.
La journée, kiosque urbain, devient la nuit luminaire monumentale éclairant le ciel de King’s Cross, hissée par les grues utilisées du chantier
Un arc en ciel, une cage sans fond ouverf à tous les vents, liberté retrouvée et ironie du sort, pour cet objet qui cette fosi-ci capture le passant au sol.
«La réponse de Jacques Rival à King's Cross est à la fois poétique et pertinente», selon Pinsky et Delcroix.
«Cette sculpture nomade suit le flux et le débit de ce nouveau quartier qui évolue de jour en jour. Au cours des prochains mois IFO sera kiosque à café, sur les bâtiments en construction et, bien sûr, dans le ciel. Sa structure pourra accueillir séminaires, des cafés, des jardins et des
Maître d’ouvrage : King’s Cross
Novembre 2011 - 2019
RELAY is the first dedicated art programme at King’s Cross. It is inspired by the transformation of the area. RELAY plays with the notion of the human chain, the transfer from one means of transport to another and the progression of the development.
The programme was launched with IFO by Jacques Rival a monumental birdcage which returns to the site for 2014.
During 2013, RELAY also featured works from Felice Varini and Richard Wentworth. The artworks appear gradually, highlighting each part of the emerging cityscape.

I.F.O, 2013-2018

I.F.O, 2013-2018

Visitors to King’s Cross will be able to scan the night sky for an intriguing illumination from mid-November, thanks to an artwork that will be h Read More
