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a speculative design project by YuRu Shih. 
May 2023, Taiwan Tech Department of Design.

“The kid who plays the deceased cat with cat flute every night; the man who ordered a care home for his cherished reading pen.”



隨著人口老化,照護需求逐漸增加,科技朝更人性化的方向發展,協助我們共同撐起照護需求。然而,每段照護故事是如此不同,如果我們有機會窺探那些常規外的照護場景, 會看到什麼樣的景象呢?當「我」這個個體不再能做某些事情的時候,「我」希望受到怎樣的照顧²


When the process of caring and companioning becomes an integral part of our lives, the experience of caring and the process of caring for others can have a profound impact on shaping our self-concept and even help us understand the deeper needs and emotions of others¹. Companion seeks to explore unusual companionship through two unconventional caregiving stories.

With the aging population, the demand for care is gradually increasing. To meet this demand, technology has been developed with a humanizing orientation to support the provision of care. However, there are more differences between each caregiving story. If we were given the chance to peer into those out-of-the-usual caregiving scenes, what might we see? How do I want to be cared for when I, this individual, is not able to do something anymore?²

Companion consists of two special objects. Through these two objects, users in the scenario can meet the unique needs of those who require care: a flute, which can imitate the purring of a cat and help someone to sleep; a bright house, which demonstrates respect for a long-term use object. At first, the scenario depicts emotional interactions between family members. However, if technological advancements expand the scope of intimacy and technology becomes deeply integrated into the realm of intimacy³, what impact will it have on human emotion and identity?


Memory Care: Feifei, (Mimi), and Grandpa



“We had a cat before called Mimi. Mimi has not been here for a long time but Grandpa forgets it now, so he still wants to find Mimi when he sleeps. The flute can produce a similar voice to Mimi, so I give it the name ‘Mimi Two’. I blow Mimi Two when my grandpa sleeps every night.”



In the first story, the elder requires the sensation of a pet cat licking and purring to sleep well at night. However, since the pet cat passed away many years ago, the child hopes to help the elder sleep well in the scene by using a flute that can mimic the purring sound and simulate the sensation of being licked by a cat every night.

Children are often excluded from the caregiving process, either due to the demands and pressure placed on adult caregivers, or because the child's age and abilities are deemed insufficient to participate in the process. Through the perspective of a child who wishes to play an active role in caregiving, I hope to invite everyone to imagine the different contributions and impacts that can be made by caregivers in their diverse roles.




In traditional societies, filial piety is highly valued and emphasizes hands-on caregiving that tightly binds caregivers and those under their care through moral and ethical constraints. As society has developed, the welfare system and technological innovations have impacted the original intimacy of family structures, making relationships more flexible. 

To what extent do we want technology to be involved in our caregiving? Can technology provide the companionship and support that we need?


Respectful house (dedicated to my beloved reading pen)
「意外發生之後我就無法閱讀了。這是我拿到的第二支朗讀筆。這隻朗讀筆已經陪了我二十年。我一直很喜歡閱讀。無法想像,他為我讀了多少字啊! 我真的很感謝他。這二十年,他當我的眼睛。...二十年,我怎麼可能把他丟掉。他的相機五年前慢慢看不清楚了,廠商也不再更新他的軟體,真的很不捨。
"I couldn't read after the accident. This is the second reading pen I got, and it has been with me for twenty years. I love reading so much that I can't imagine how many words it has read for me! I appreciate it. For these twenty years, it has been my eyes. How could I have thrown it away? Its camera became blurry five years ago, and the manufacturer stopped updating its software. Yet, I ’m still reluctant to replace it."
“I ordered a gift for it online, a space for us, and I let it read what it read every day so that it could not go wrong and have something to do. I appreciate it, really… I’ve been thinking, 
what do I have to do to let it read for me again?


The second story presents a unique relationship between people and an object. The reading pen is an electronic device designed for users with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. It captures text through a camera and reads it aloud for users using artificial intelligence. Because the camera on the reading pen was old and required bright light to function, the man ordered a special house for it, similar to a dollhouse, to take care of it. He created a space that was bright and allowed the pen to function smoothly as usual, keeping it company inside.

Many areas of Asia have animist beliefs that all things have spirit and therefore use objects with gratitude and respect. At a time when the Western world is constantly calling for vigilance against machines and people becoming more and more similar, Japan often designs a machine in a cute and friendly way. Is it impossible to gain the desirable companionship from objects?


What is a companion?


The word "companion" is defined in the dictionary as "people who live, work or travel together," which originally refers to the relationship between people⁴. Through the stories of "Companion", I hope to encourage everyone to expand their imagination of intimate relationships to include interactions between people and objects. If verbs or adjectives that typically describe interpersonal relationships are applied to machines or objects, such as "filial piety machine" or "friendly machine," will the interactions be what we would like to see?

When a person needs to be taken care of, can the caregiver not be a human being? How do we want to be treated when we are vulnerable, and how does this affect how we see ourselves?


[1] 依附理論由約翰鮑比(John Bowlby)提出,他認為人基於本能,都有與他人建立親密連結的需求。人類在與他人建立關係的過程中,會透過這些關係來瞭解世界,並逐步發展出調節情緒、與他人相處的能力,包括情商和人際互動等。
The Attachment Theory suggests that humans have an inherent need to form close relationships with others, leading to the development of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills through the process of learning about the world.

[2]「依附」是最初人與人之間的基礎關係,包括如何被照顧、互動、依賴:「當自己不能做什麼的時候,對方是怎麼接住我、照顧我的,我從這個體驗中學到了『我的重要性』,以及『我的情緒』出現後該怎麼對待的方式」。 –林仁廷 諮商心理師 2021-03發表於天下雜誌「獨立評論@天下」網站
"Attachment" is the fundamental relationship between individuals, including how to be cared for, interact, and rely on one another: "When I am unable to do something, how the other person receives and cares for me teaches me about 'my importance' and how to deal with 'my emotions'." 林仁廷, Counseling Psychologist, published in the "獨立評論@天下" website of 天下雜誌 in March 2021.

Referring to Sherry Turkle's "Alone Together," this book presents the impact of technological and internet development on people's intimate relationships through series of insightful case studies. In addition to pointing out the changes in how people interact, it also raises a warning; while we are trying to imbue technology with more humanity, we seem to be gradually reducing each other to mere objects.

[4]參照教育部國語小字典 (Ministry of Education Mandarin Chinese Mini Dictionary)

〈1〉雪莉·特克 《在一起孤獨》(時報出版 2017-01-17) 
〈2〉 雪莉·特克 《重新與人對話:迎接數位時代的人際考驗,修補親密關係的對話療法》(時報出版 2018-07-24)
〈3〉劉毓秀 編 《北歐經驗,臺灣轉化:普及照顧與民主審議》 (女書出版 2015-12-25)
〈4〉 古陵霖(美國德州大學奧斯丁分校藝術及藝術史碩士生):〈「科技泛靈論」是資本主義下一個新噱頭?〉關鍵評論網。2018-09-18,取自:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/103903
〈5〉 林仁廷 諮商心理師:〈 「被照顧的經驗」很重要,若是錯過了,就現在開始學習〉天下雜誌「獨立評論@天下」網站。 2021-03 ,取自:https://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/52/article/10582


指導教授   Design Advisor   何樵暐 
貓笛子建模  Cat Flute 3D Modeling   尤莉
貓笛子機構  Cat Flute Mechanism Design   石勝文
木工師傅   Carpenter   錡証暘 
攝影   Photographer  梁譯 Yi Liang ​​​​​​​
模特兒   Models  感謝秉家小朋友一家人
英文翻譯協力  English Translation   杞沂倫 I Lun Chi
特別感謝   Special Thanks to   溫敏喻、莊嘉宏先生、楊景舜先生
