Yasmeen El-Salawy's profile

Game jam 2023 pixel art

Game Jam 2023
Vector Game Studio VGS

A showcase of my work during a game jam in my university -German University of Cairo- held by a student activity club called Vector game studio VGS under the theme of "breaking mirror". After long hours of brainstorming with my team, we decided to make this following story line for our puzzle 2D platform video game.
Once upon a time, two best friends, Suzie and Martin, are wandering a new town exploring and exchanging conversations. Together, they find an abounded house and Martin suggests to explore the place. On the other hand, Suzie is anxious and asks to rethink this decision for safety.
However, Martin is super energetic and stubborn boy who wants adventure. The House looks like a mansion abounded for decades, creepy and dusty. Suzie wanders the place and notices that the time is completely stopped on her watch as well as all the clocks in this place.
Soon, she turns around to call for her best friend and he seems missing. Immediately, she panics and scream for help. then the game starts....
It all started with selecting two characters from the previous image, one girl and one boy
then animated the idle, walk, jump of our selected characters.
Then i got the task to animate some elements in the environment that players will interact with like opening doors and idle evil mirror animation inside the house.
As my team mates working on codes, i got the task of illustrating the end game scene and the end credit story.
The previous image was the end game scene where finally the girl finally breaks the last mirror and release her boyfriend from the curse prison. they go out and forever happy together.
This is the end credit scene shows what happen exactly to the boyfriend that led him to be imprisoned in a mirror. as the boy was exploring the house by himself, he found shattered glass on the floor and decided to collect them and fix the mirror. however, this action triggered the curse.
Due to unexpected circumstances faced our neighboring team, I worked on another game project for 12 hours at the same time during the game jam ... In general, these monsters were part of the the next game project.
I designed the monsters with their idle animation as well as the following environment.
And then the day of announcing the best game, I was surprised that our neighboring team won the 1st best game price in this competition and they included my name in their credits. I'm very gradual for everyone <3
I intend to update this page soon with the video walkthrough of both games....
once I receive the video I will upload it here....
Game jam 2023 pixel art


Game jam 2023 pixel art
