Dash is a device which makes use of a Voice User Interface (VUI) to assist users while shopping – specifically, in warehouse environments like Home Depot. 
Target Problems
• During peak shopping times, there are not enough customer service representatives to assist all customers with all their questions.
• Representatives do not have full knowledge of all items in the store. 
Dash is a first response system.
• meant to assist shopper with basic queries
• call a representative when required or asked
• alleviate the stress from navigating an unfamiliar place
• help with the efficiency of the customer’s experience
Dash provides recommendations and suggestions, without the user having to wait on a service representative. 
Information Architecture diagram
Script excerpt of user interacting with Dash:
Dash: Great. I’m creating a new shopping list for you. Say the items you’d like to add.
User: Paint. [...]
Dash: I heard you needed paint and a paint brush. Is that correct?
User: Yes.
Dash: I’ve added paint and a paintbrush to your shopping list. Paint is located in aisle 17. Let’s go there now.
Users walk.
Dash: At any time, you may ask a question by saying Dash and stating: recommendations, check price, find item, or representative. I’ll be standing by.
User 1 and 2 have a conversation [...]
User: Dash, I need a recommendation. 
(Dash was conceptualized prior to Amazon Dash and has no relation.)


Dash is a device which makes use of a Voice User Interface (VUI) to assist users while shopping – specifically, in warehouse environments like Ho Read More
