The resource letter-lovers everywhere have been waiting for.
Lettering Library aims to become a vital resource for enthusiasts of typography, lettering, sign-painting and a variety of other affiliated art-forms. This website focuses on scarce antiquarian publications both instructional and reference based and serves to provide helpful information on these nearly lost art-forms.
Where sign-painters, engravers and penman were once indispensable fixtures of society, they have now become somewhat of a rarity in the modern age. Paint gave way to vinyl, much as the pen gave way to the keyboard while faster, cheaper, and simpler became a way of life. Luckily, we’ve found ourselves in the midst of a resurgence in the pride of craftsmanship and making things of a higher caliber with longevity in mind and quality at heart.  This growth in the interest of creating better products with better design and the old standards becoming the new trends once again is encouraging and promising. However, instructional guides and mentors willing to pass on these dying crafts is sparse at best and often non-existent in many places.
The aim of this website is to bring these rare century old and beyond manuals, guides, and handbooks into the modern era so that they can be made useful once again for a new generation of artists and craftsmen. This will never replace the experience of an apprenticeship or learning hands-on from industry veterans keeping these skills alive, but it can bring scarce and invaluable material directly to your home office, studio, or even mobile device that before now simply did not exist in a digital format.
Special care has been taken at every turn to make these digital files feel as if they are within your personal collection as much as possible. Lettering Library has a fairly large archive of books waiting to be photographed and uploaded here, but the money generated by this website will go towards purchasing even more of these lost treasures which often are very expensive and difficult to track down.
Now more than ever there is a necessity to preserve these treasures of our collective past and have them be available to those who can truly benefit from the existence of an asset such as this. I hope that my personal collection will over time become yours as well and that we will grow together in our abilities to make our world a better designed and more beautiful place as it once was.
Lettering Library


Lettering Library

Lettering Library is a comprehensive online catalog of antiquarian lettering, sign-painting, alphabet and monogram books curated from Jason Carne Leggi di più
