Studio 9527 님의 프로필

Branding / Hello Smile Hong Kong

Hello Smile Hong Kong

Hello Smile Hong Kong is an NGO that is registered as a charity in Hong Kong under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance to service the oral health needs of local grass-roots families, with an emphasis on young children and children with special health care needs. 

They organize educational trainings & disseminate educational information to health institutions or personnel, schools, general public to promote the importance of oral health, as well as provide dental care screenings, oral health education, dental treatments to underserved community including young children and children with special health care needs.

The design of the logo mark is combination of looping line, a tooth-like shape, and a letter H. The new identity embraces the values of the brand: Love, Compassion, Respect, and Integrity.
A brand system was built around the brief with a bright aqua colour, and an organic looping linear visual graphic, whilst adding an element of playfulness to ensure the brand experience is full of the wellbeing and happiness.
Branding / Hello Smile Hong Kong


Branding / Hello Smile Hong Kong
