Julia Ng sin profil

Kaleido: Augmented Reality Art Exhibition

We are the Changemakers
The studio project named "We are the Changemakers" and the aim is to spark a wave of positivity, instill hope and inspire individuals to take meaningful action and make a tangible difference in the world

Project by Julia

Singapore is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city-state. It is a testament to the remarkable diversity of its citizens who come from all over the world. It is a miracle that Singapore has been able to foster harmonious cohabitation among its diverse populace. However, as the world continues to evolve and bring in new challenges, maintaining this delicate balance becomes increasingly crucial.

Failure to do so runs the risk of upsetting the peace that Singapore has cultivated over time.
Insights/ Research

Diminishing interest and effort amongs Singaporeans in preserving their SG Culture.

Problem: This phenomenon is attributed to the rapid pace of modernisation and globalisation which leads to a decline in interaction, community enaggement and incorporation of cultural educations in schools. As a result, there is a risk of losing the essence of what defines Singapore's unique identity.

An interactive, immersive art exhibit using augmented reality (AR) technology to engage Singaporean youths to learn about and explore their rich and diverse cultural history.

The objective is to act as a catalyst for communication, comprehension and respect among Singapore's varied community. The installation ought to produce an enjoyable and inclusive experience that encourages connections among participants. Fostering a shared cultural identity and sense of unity.
Kaleidoscope Concept

The kaleidoscope represents the idea of ongoing progress. Art and culture are not static; they change over time and are influenced by a variety of factors, including personal experiences. Participants are encouraged to appreciate this ever-changing nature as well as the dynamic and fluid nature of Singaporean art and culture through the event.
Exhibition Planning
The exhibition was designed in a shipping container as it makes it more compactable and portable to bring around different locations in Singapore. Exhibition locations are places with high human traffic such as East Coast Park where many Singaporeans and Tourist flock to relax and wind do
Site Visit: East Coast Park; Lagoon Food Village
Exhibition Features
Inner Mural: A blend of different familiar Singapore scenes such as HDBs, Kampong Spirit, Hawker food and many more.
Singlish Wall: A visual representation of the colorful and distinctive language known as Singlish, which is a fusion of English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil dialects commonly spoken in Singapore.
Outer Mural: Captures the essence and charm of Singapore's urban landscape, highlighting iconic landmarks, vibrant Peranakan houses, and beloved childhood snacks.
Floor Tiles: Combines traditional Chinese, Indian, and Malay tiles into a vibrant mosaic of cultural diversity.
3D Renders
Kaleido: Augmented Reality Art Exhibition

Kaleido: Augmented Reality Art Exhibition
