Aquila Brands profil

Aquila Logo design and concept

The logo of Aquila Brand and Dsgn is a minimalist visual representation that harmoniously combines the elements of an eagle and an asterisk. These elements come together to convey the values and identity of the brand.
Derived from Latin, the word "Aquila" means "Eagle", making the brand a symbol of power, strength, and keen vision, representing ambition, leadership, and a constant pursuit of excellence.
The asterisk, on the other hand, symbolizes the concept of expansion, creativity, and infinite possibilities. It represents Aquila Brand and Dsgn's ability to explore original ideas, connect different perspectives, and provide unique solutions to each challenge. The asterisk also represents the dynamic and versatile nature of the brand, always ready to adapt and evolve with market demands.
The chosen colors for the logo are blue, green, and lilac, all vibrant and lively. Blue symbolizes trust, stability, and serenity, representing the professional and secure approach of Aquila Brand and Dsgn. Green represents growth, renewal, and harmony, reflecting the brand's commitment to driving sustainable success for its clients. Lilac brings a touch of creativity, intuition, and spirituality, representing Aquila Brand and Dsgn's continuous pursuit of innovative and inspiring solutions.
The typography chosen for the logo is a discreet vintage-inspired sans-serif font, which adds a creative and playful touch. This combination of visual and symbolic elements represents the essence of Aquila Brand and Dsgn: power, innovation, vision, adaptability, and a creative and playful approach in the field of design.
Aquila Logo design and concept


Aquila Logo design and concept
