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Neil Young's Spotify availability

Is Neil Young back on Spotify?

Is Neil Young back on Spotify? Yes, Neil Young is available once again on Spotify! Spotify users can listen to his whole catalog. He has only recently returned to Spotify after a long absence. Spotify just recently started streaming his music.
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Neil Young left Spotify after making some controversial remarks during the Covid era. But you can now find him on Spotify with all the hits. You may listen to all of the songs on Spotify for free or with a premium subscription. Spotify reports that Young has 3,856,985 monthly listeners who can give his music another chance.
Who is Neil Young?
Who is Neil Young?
He entered the music industry as a member of The Squires in the 1960s after being born on November 12, 1945, in Toronto, Canada. He became a successful solo artist after joining the band Buffalo Springfield.
He often sings on political and social topics, and his music has been called a mix of folk, rock, and country. Tracks like “Heart of Gold,” “Old Man,” and “Rockin’ in the Free World” are among his most well-known works. Young is well-known for his work as an activist on environmental and social concerns, in addition to his musical career.
Why Spotify Removed Neil Young?
Due to the streaming service’s support of Joe Rogan, who has been accused by scientists of spreading misinformation concerning coronavirus vaccines, the singer has decided to leave.
According to Young, you can find “life threatening Covid disinformation” on Spotify. “Lies being peddled for money,” he continued.
His criticism of Rogan arose after Spotify declined the request of hundreds of scientists, educators, and public health professionals to remove a December 31 episode of Rogan’s show. Comedian and actor Joe Rogan has risen to become Spotify most popular podcast host thanks to his in-depth interviews with a wide range of divisive individuals. The infectious-disease expert Dr. Robert Malone was featured in an episode that spread “many misconceptions about Covid-19 vaccinations,” as stated in a public letter sent by the organization on January 10 2022.
Neil Young's Spotify availability
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Neil Young's Spotify availability

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