Профиль Christophe Margaine

Digital Marketing Manager (Cloud Migration SaaS)

Digital Marketing Manager (Full-time Job) - Cloud Migration SaaS (2019-2023)


As a Digital Marketing Manager, I defined, developed, and executed digital marketing strategies to drive customer acquisition, engagement, and revenue growth.
In the first year, I improved lead generation and traffic by more than 100%.

My key responsibilities included:
• Moving in-house and executing print, website management, digital marketing collaterals, and PRs reducing overall expenses.
• Developing and implementing digital marketing campaigns across various channels, including email, social media, search engines, and ads.
• Conducting market research and analysis to identify customer needs, preferences, and behaviors and leveraging that information to develop targeted marketing messages and campaigns.
• Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including product (developers) and sales (Americas, EMEA, APAC, Japan), to formulate and execute integrated marketing campaigns that align with business objectives.
• Creating and managing digital content, including websites, blog posts, and social media updates, to enhance engagement and cultivate brand awareness.
• Staying abreast of industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies and leveraging that knowledge to enhance digital marketing tools and strategies.
Website Development and Maintenance (WordPress) 

I developed and maintained several WordPress websites, including a central hub for brand resources, admin guides, a knowledge base, and customer engagement tools.
Content Updates and SEO Optimization

Continuously updating and optimizing website content, I ensured that it aligned with SEO best practices, enabling improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.
Visuals for Marketing

I designed engaging and visually appealing marketing materials that resonated with our target audience and effectively communicated our brand message. Leveraging my design skills and creativity, I developed compelling visuals across various channels.
Brochures, Whitepapers, and Case Studies

Using Adobe InDesign, I crafted professional brochures, whitepapers, and case studies that effectively communicated the benefits and features of the product.
Demonstration Videos

Utilizing Adobe Premiere, I produced engaging videos that visually conveyed complex concepts and showcased the value of the product.
Visuals for Ads (Google Ads, Microsoft Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads)

I created compelling visuals for advertising campaigns on various platforms. As the Digital Marketing Manager, I created multiple Ads on Google Ads, Microsoft Bing Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, maximizing click-through rates and conversions.
Monthly Newsletters

I prepared and sent engaging monthly newsletters using Mailchimp. By curating relevant content and utilizing visually appealing templates, I effectively nurtured customer relationships, increased brand loyalty, and drove traffic to key marketing initiatives.
Marketing Plan, Brand Identity, and Graphic Chart

I was developing a comprehensive marketing plan, creating a compelling brand identity, and establishing a cohesive graphic chart. Through meticulous planning and execution, I tried to aligned marketing efforts and enhanced brand recognition and consistency.
During this mission, I analyzed and reported on the performance of digital marketing campaigns, using Google analytics, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bing tools. By monitoring key performance indicators, I gained valuable insights, and identified areas for improvement.

Through my work, I have demonstrated expertise in various digital marketing disciplines, including visual design, website development, content creation, SEO, email marketing, and strategic planning. My data-driven approach, combined with a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of target audiences, has consistently delivered impactful results.

Note: This project page has been created solely for demonstration purposes, to complete my resume.
Digital Marketing Manager (Cloud Migration SaaS)


Digital Marketing Manager (Cloud Migration SaaS)

Discover my digital marketing expertise as a Digital Marketing Manager for a Cloud Migration SaaS company. With a focus on driving customer acqui Развернуть
