Dumaguete University Belt
Land Reclamation

As the Philippines is known to be an archipelago surrounded by water, there has been a need to expand land in order to build more infrastructure for inhabitants. Because of this, land reclamation was introduced in the Philippines to expand for further development. However, this did not turn out sustainable as sea levels started to rise along with floods, soil dampening, and destruction of the ecosystem.

Architectural Design 8 requires a land reclamation in expansion of a university belt. Dumaguete was one of these potential project in preparation for land reclamation. But rather than opting to assume an existing land to build the institution upon, our team decided to focus on the development as the architectural ecosystem itself. By using eco-friendly materials to form structural designs, we create a potential home for marine life whilst supporting the reclaimed "floating" island. The design created was a mutualistic ecosystem where the younger generation can learn from the marine development

Architectural Design 8 / Macro Urban Planning
Rhinocerus 3D   |  Adobe Illustrator   |  Adobe Photoshop  |  Lumion  |  AutoCAD
by Jericho Ethan Fabico, Jaime Valentin Nunez, & Stefhanelle Laurel
Dumaguete Reclamation

Dumaguete Reclamation

