Rarenaissance #05
"Rarenaissance #05" is the fifth project of the Rarenaissance series. A work inspired by the rebirth of the human being and nature itself. A power that is given to us at birth and by which we are able to adapt to any situation in which we find ourselves. It is part of the rebirth of the human being.

Testing noise and particle colors
Using a Flip Solver with a Curl Noise acting on the @P attribute to apply turbulence to the speed of the solver. Then I create a custom attribute for @P.y and apply a color ramp and test different color palettes. To get different particle sizes I remap my custom attribute to the @Pscale attribute of the particles.

Dissolving Skull
Using together an Axiom Solver with Pyro Spread and a Dopnet in Houdini to build the skull dissolution.

Thank you!

Rarenaissance #05


Rarenaissance #05
