Ayo Daramola 的個人檔案

Selfmade Apparel Website Design

Welcome to my first project, a responsive website design for a clothing brand.


The product: 
Selfmade Apparel is a clothing store that offers affordable pricing options. The typical user is between 19-30 years old, and most users are college students or early career professionals. Selfmade Apparel’s goal is to make shopping fun, fast, and easy for all types of users. 

Sneak peeks

Here's a google slide presentation highlighting the full design process from start to finish.

Embedded below is a prototype for you to experience the website firsthand.

Kindly follow this click path:

Shop >> Hoodies >> Classic cotton hoodie >> Add to  cart >> Continue to checkout >> Continue >> Continue >> Continue >> Place order >> Back to home

Please feel free to scroll about and move back and forward between the pages. 
Thank you.
Selfmade Apparel Website Design


Selfmade Apparel Website Design
