Vytautė Čėsnaitė's profileKūrybinių industrijų dizainas Design for creative industries's profile

„Freckles“ poster

Art direction - Vytautė Čėsnaitė
 Graphic design - Vytautė Čėsnaitė
Photography - GritaxGrita
Post production - GritaxGrita
Copywrite -Vytautė Čėsnaitė
MUA - Edita Mockevičiūtė

Many people see freckles as a shameful feature for which you are sneered down, especially while still at school. As freckles are ugly and sometimes even disgusting for many, quite often people who have them try to hide or get 0rid of them.


Wanting to change the set attitude - this social problem for this advertisement I have chosen the ancient Greek sculptures, which are still considered as the beauty standard. In the advertisement I connect two contraries beauty and unattractiveness, freckles on the sculptured faces. In this way, I try to shape a different attitude in society towards freckles, to see them as a feature of a beautiful person
Raw image
Final poster
Final poster
„Freckles“ poster