Профиль slavyana .p

Тактильный музей Поиск / Tactile museum Poisk

Brandbook of the tactile museum "Poisk".
Tactile Museum "Poisk" is a museum in which all objects presented in the exposition are intended for tactile perception, and the museum space is fully adapted for the blind and visually impaired.
The purpose of the museum is to expand the socialization of the visually impaired and the blind, as well as to provide a comfortable and safe knowledge of art based on Braille.
I abandoned bright colors so that museum visitors could focus on their feelings.
My task was to combine Braille and regular Cyrillic on brand carries.
In this brand book, I have clearly shown what branding a tactile museum can look like, based solely on sensations and achromatic colors.

Thank you for your attention.
Idea, design and concept by Slavyana .P
Тактильный музей Поиск / Tactile museum Poisk

Тактильный музей Поиск / Tactile museum Poisk
