Profiel van Stephen Stebbins

SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio

Stephen T. Stebbins II - Game Programmer and Developer

Hello, I started the journey to enter the game programming field roughly two years ago. I was previously a Music Education with an emphasis on Vocals before coming to the current institution. My passion for video games spans from my childhood to today. I did not think about the process game programmers, developers, and artists go through for a game to be created until my father nudged me to see about completing a degree which had a path into the game industry. My passion and knowledge regarding video games have grown stronger and expanded further than I could have imagined two years ago.

The artifacts you will be viewing below are projects I have made at Southern New Hampshire University, at least the first four. The artifacts I have made cover the tools widely available in Unreal Engine 4, and one will feature 3DS Max, a 3D modeling and animation software. These will highlight AI, Game Physics, Game Engine Mastery, and 3D Graphics.

The program I went through in the past two years has given me an excellent foundation in game programming and development. I still need to improve upon and learn different or already used programs. The game industry is constantly changing, with new programs coming out to improve the quality of the games. With the foundation provided by the program, I can begin learning or delving deeper into programs to gain further mastery. I have also been given the ability to start looking at the game industry for meaningful employment due to the foundation I mentioned earlier. When looking at the outcomes in the GAM-495 and assessing the masteries of the program, I feel I have meant those through the work I have done. The result may seem basic. However, with the lack of knowledge before taking the coursework, I am proud to show I have been able to meet the outcomes which have been asked of me. 

I have applied the industry's best practices by continuously making an effort to make sure my code is legible and have various notes placed in the code to ensure if another person works on the code after me, they know the what and why for certain portions of the code exists. I will be able to apply what I have learned during the GAM-495 Capstone class to both my professional and educational pathways forward. When I first got into the program, I was unsure what job I would want to pursue once I completed my degree. Thanks to the classes and capstone, I enjoy the challenge which Game Programming offers. This has led me to research how to code different things into Unreal Engine, which helps my educational pathway. Due to the game industry's ever-changing nature, I have to be willing to educate myself through videos or delving into new programs to maintain relevance and understanding of the industry.

I have encountered many obstacles and challenges during this program(word tense). I’ve made multiple plugins for Unreal Engine in one class, developed games with C++, created assets in 3Ds Max, and much more. All these things were new to me, and I struggled immensely in some classes to ensure I understood the concepts I was being asked to learn. I overcame these challenges by turning to research and persevering when I got frustrated. Lastly, I plan to apply my knowledge of professional ethics in the same way we have been taught. This includes honoring contracts, respecting intellectual property, and being honest about my skills.

Artifact I: Treasure Hunt
Artifact I Reflection:

Treasure Hunt was one of the more complete games I created during my tenure at Southern New Hampshire University. There was three separate game options given to us; Messy Room Clean Up, Fuzzy Hunter, and Metallic Treasure Hunt. From the three I selected the Treasure Hunt option and I immediately began to review the materials which were required and I set off to create the game. Treasure Hunt required a land material which allows the player to dig into the ground to get to the hidden treasure, treasure, obstacles, and a timer. As seen in the Video you can see the game has all of these with the AI being the obstacles as they run into you sometimes as they are trying to get away from you or wandering.

I would describe the process as a rather interesting learning experience. This is predominantly due to challenge I ran into with the terrain. After the player dug a hole, the AI bots were easily able to fall into the hole created. However, the player character refused to fall into it, causing some issues when I lowered the treasure cubes. The solution which seemed to work was mirroring what the AI builds.

I improved the game by making the treasure, look like cubes of silver, previously they were nothing but black cubes. I also put the cubes a smidge further underground so they were better hidden from the player. 


Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine Blueprints

Highlighted Skill(s):

Game Engine Mastery, Game AI, and Game Physics

Artifact II: GAM-312 Project
Artifact II Reflection:

This was the second project in Unreal Engine 4 I created during my time here at Southern New Hampshire University. This project was completely created by the use of C++ coding, minus the small HUD option which shows the players health. During the process of creating and improving this artifact I learned, sometimes less is more and to be versatile in the sense of creation. 

One of the major challenges I had for this project was getting the C++ HUD to work in the game. After struggling immensely with the HUD in the GAM-312, I decided to use the blueprint system to create the HUD, which was easy enough to do thankfully. I also improved the AI by giving it more target points to travel to, which allows the AI a greater room of motion. 


Unreal Engine, Visual Studio

Highlighted Skill(s):

Game Engine Mastery and Game AI

Artifact III: Splatshot
Artifact III Reflection:

This was the third project in Unreal Engine 4 I created during my time here at Southern New Hampshire University. This particular class focused on using the Graphics Engine to code things into the game. I was able to learn how to include plug-ins through the ComputerShader, PixelShader, and RuntimeMeshComponent. This class I struggled immensely to get things to work properly. All the coding items would cause the game to crash. 

To improve this project I imported the first person character from Unreal Engine. From there I ensured the fog was able to black out the path as I created a Maze for the players to get through and shoot cubes off the platform. 

Through the polishing phase I learned sometimes you need to be able to adjust what you want to do on the fly to produce something rather than nothing. Being able to think quickly is how I was able to improve this project.


Unreal Engine, Visual Studio

Highlighted Skill(s):

Game Engine Mastery 

Artifact IV: Backpack 3DS Max
Artifact IV Reflection:

This artifact was created in my 3D Modeling and Animation class. To start the creation process I had to select an item to recreate for my project. I eventually select the backpack after a few failed selections that were rejected by my professor. 

During the creation and polishing process, I learned it is critical to review the software or program being used often. I found myself reviewing YouTube videos and review google to ensure I was using the tools appropriately. 

The feedback which was predominantly given was the strap that goes across the chest was missing the buckle appendage. As seen in the final photo above, I was able to add the buckle onto the strap, thus improving the artifact.


3DS Max

Highlighted Skill(s):

3D Graphics
SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio

SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio
