A series of reasonings and conclusions from Aristotle, set in an ancient Greek environment and published in mobile Shorts format, with my own comments and conclusions added to it, in 4 different languages:
Aristotle (384-322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher, scientist, and polymath who made significant contributions to various fields of knowledge. He was born in Stagira, a city in ancient Greece, and became a student of Plato, another renowned philosopher. Later, Aristotle established his own school, the Lyceum, where he taught and conducted extensive research.

Aristotle's work spans a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, ethics, logic, biology, physics, politics, and more. He is considered one of the most influential thinkers in Western philosophy and has had a lasting impact on fields such as ethics, metaphysics, and political theory.

In philosophy, Aristotle developed a comprehensive system of thought that aimed to understand the nature of reality, knowledge, and human existence. He emphasised the importance of empirical observation and logical reasoning in acquiring knowledge. Aristotle's works on logic, particularly his treatises on syllogistic reasoning, have profoundly influenced the field of logic and provided a foundation for formal reasoning.

Aristotle's ethical philosophy focused on the pursuit of eudaimonia, often translated as "flourishing" or "well-being." He believed that living a virtuous life leads to true happiness and fulfilment. His works on ethics explored concepts such as virtue, moral responsibility, and the role of practical wisdom in making ethical choices.

In addition to philosophy, Aristotle made significant contributions to the natural sciences. He studied and classified various aspects of the natural world, including biology, zoology, botany, and anatomy. His observations and categorisations laid the groundwork for future scientific endeavours.

Aristotle's impact on intellectual and scientific thought cannot be overstated. His works continue to be studied and debated to this day, shaping our understanding of philosophy, science, and ethics.
The Aristotle series in 4 different languages:



A series of reasonings and conclusions from Aristotle, set in an ancient Greek environment and published in mobile Shorts format, with my own com Lue lisää
