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10 Common Myths About Computer Repair

10 Common Myths About Computer Repair
Computer world, where every day there’s a new update, upgrade, or even a new invention. Just like other industries and communities, there’s plenty to learn about the world of computers, mobiles, gadgets, and hand-held devices. There’s also plenty to unlearn.

You may have debunked most if not all your childhood myths, like there’s no monster under your bed or that the tooth fairy isn’t really real. However, we are willing to gamble anything that you still need to be filled in on the many computer repair myths that you still haven’t heard about, no matter how tech-savvy you may be. So let’s get started

The “Flat rate” Computer Myth
Have you ever heard an ad over the radio or tv that there’s this awesome computer repair shop not far away that charges flat fees?
You probably thought this business is seriously competitive and innovative for them to charge a flat rate no matter what issues need to be fixed on your computer.
Well, no. Think again. The flat fees mean flat labor fees. Parts, software, and other add-ons to the bill are certainly not included.

The Pricey It Gets, Better The Quality
Another bubble to burst.
Pricey does not mean Better. In the tech world, quality comes at various prices. So shop around and find the best deals. You may find a very good quality device for half as much as a brand new Mac or IOS.

Mac Computers Do Not Get Viruses
“Once you go, Mac, you won’t go back” is a popular phrase among most computer users.
The invincible, super mac was really once thought to not ever be susceptible to viruses. Most viruses once were targeted at PCs built by Windows. However, hackers and perpetrators have recently begun to craft attacks designed for the MacBook and IOS. In 2016, Apple announced a compromise on its devices. So Mac lovers, this was your warning.
If you work on getting your computer faster, your internet will be faster as well
This makes logical sense, doesn’t it? It should. But what about those working with dial-up still? Would this still be applicable?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Defragging, increasing memory and getting rid of viruses and malware may speed up your computer, but your internet speed is heavily dependent on your internet supplier, the internet connection method as well as connectivity variables.
There are many other myths surrounding computer repair. Like,
Anti-virus software and firewalls
Removing unwanted files
And many more. To know about all these in detail, click
10 Common Myths About Computer Repair

10 Common Myths About Computer Repair

