Kaltestal .art's profile

Wall painting "Reading" ("Чтение")

For the first participation in the open-call "Contours of Culture 2022", we have developed this project. The wall painting was partially realized in Moscow at 6k1 Verkhoyanskaya St., in the city library No. 61. Due to the unsuitable size of the premises chosen by the organizer of the competition, only part of the sketch had to be realized.
When we created this work, we thought about the impact a book has on a person. The style itself, which involves the use of primary forms, reveals this theme from two sides. Firstly, art is something that is created by a person from scratch, is not a copy of natural creatures, and the human in it is its exclusive feature (art as a kind of being). Secondly, any cognition is ascending - from simple to complex, and in human reality cognition, in any case, is an act of creativity. The language of color and yet the figurative symbolism present here will help you to reveal the meaning of the work more fully.
Link to the mockup: https://ru.freepik.com/free-psd/empty-room-with-a-gray-wall-mockup_3730260.htm#query=wall%20mokup&position=8&from_view=search&track=ais 
This is how this wall painting would look on a straight wall in a wide space.
Wall painting "Reading" ("Чтение")


Wall painting "Reading" ("Чтение")
