This slum is located next to a train track & it’s a contrast to the luxurious apartments on the other side. The slum dwellers live in cramped conditions, & poor sanitation. The architecture of the slum is constructed from scraps of metal & wood from the nearby construction sites. The homes are small, with no proper ventilation, leaving the residents to various health hazards. The lack of basic amenities like running water & electricity. The people living in the slum are like a community, who look out for each other. They have their small businesses, like street food vendors & small shops, to make ends meet. However, the constant noise & vibrations from the train track that passes through their area, makes it difficult for them to sleep & concentrate on their work. On the other side of the train track, towering apartments stand tall, with residents enjoying all the modern amenities that the slum dwellers can only dream of. The train track serves as a symbolic divider, separating the slum from the riches. It’s a reminder of the vast wealth inequality that exists in society. The slum dwellers hope that someday, they too will be able to live on the other side of the railway track.




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