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Salesforce-native business texting app

Effective communication plays a vital role in the success of consulting agencies. However, many need help ensuring seamless and efficient communication with clients and team members. These problems can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and decreased productivity. Fortunately, solutions like SMS & eFax Guru offer a comprehensive platform to address these communication issues.  
SMS & eFax Guru is a cutting-edge SMS messaging and eFax application designed specifically for Salesforce. By integrating this tool, consulting agencies can overcome communication hurdles and enhance their productivity and customer satisfaction.  
One of the primary features of SMS & eFax Guru is its versatility. It enables conversational SMS, automated SMS, bulk SMS, and eFax capabilities, allowing agencies to choose the most suitable communication method for their specific needs. Conversational SMS empowers recipients to respond, while automated SMS streamlines process using process builders, flows, and apex triggers. Bulk SMS enables agencies to reach multiple recipients simultaneously, while eFax facilitates efficient transmission of fax documents.  
The features of SMS & eFax Guru further enhance its effectiveness. Dynamic SMS templates can be easily customized to align with individual business requirements. The SMS inbox enables convenient message handling without navigating away from records, and the SMS Bot engages customers with automated responses based on keywords and triggers. Additionally, opt-in and opt-out functionalities allow recipients to manage their SMS subscriptions, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.  
SMS & eFax Guru offers a mobile-responsive solution, allowing agencies to send SMS directly from the Salesforce1 Mobile App without needing separate applications. Real-time tracking of sent and received SMS and eFax through a customizable dashboard enables efficient monitoring and management. The user-friendly interface simplifies sending personalized SMS, utilizing dynamic templates, and receiving MMS.  
Furthermore, the reliability of SMS & eFax Guru is noteworthy. All SMS and eFax communications are stored within Salesforce, creating a comprehensive record related to the parent object. This ensures data integrity and provides a centralized platform for future reference.  
In conclusion, consulting agencies often encounter communication problems that hinder their operations. However, by leveraging the capabilities of SMS & eFax Guru, these agencies can address these issues effectively. With features like conversational SMS, automated SMS, bulk SMS, eFax, customizable templates, mobile responsiveness, and real-time tracking, SMS & eFax Guru emerges as a comprehensive solution to enhance communication and productivity within consulting agencies. The app is available for a 30-day free trial on Salesforce AppExchange. For any inquiries, please get in touch with  
Salesforce-native business texting app


Salesforce-native business texting app

