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LanKwaiFong HongKong TokengDay

Bizkey is a crypto payment service company focusing on China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and the USA. Bizkey collaborates with many other businesses, merchants, restaurants and bars and offers services beyond the blockchain circle. Recently, Bizkey received great feedback on its marketing and branding services. They extended their focus to the blockchain industry branding and marketing and named it Bizkey Plus (Bizkey+).

Project: Token Day
Propose: Create a signature campaign for Bizkey
Concept: Make the process into a game for playing
Background: Token Day campaign aims to provide a better understanding and user experience to both merchants and customers.

Lan Kwai Fong Token Day 
(Hong Kong)

Bizkey launched the 3rd Token Day campaign at Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong.
The co-hosted by Cyber Media and Hong Kong Blockchain Association. Partnered with several stablecoin projects, including DAI, DGX and HKX, this was the first time Bizkey explored the top-up card model in the Token Day campaign. Customers could buy drinks and experience crypto payment in participating restaurants and bars in Lan Kwai Fong.
The event was a huge success. More than 700 blockchain experts from around the world attended this campaign, including some well-known industry leaders such as TRON founder & CEO Justin Sun, Creator of Litecoin Charlie Lee, Co-Founder of Ethereum Charles Hoskinson, BUMO Co-Founder Guo Qiang and EveriToken CEO Brady.
Restaurant & Bar locations @LanKwaiFong with the customised crypto card. Total transaction in two nights income about 50K USD         
Blockchain Experts worldwide gathered in Lan Kwai Fong, 
Hong Kong to Experience the Bizkey Crypto Payment Solution.
Tron CEO Justin Sun requested collaboration

After experiencing Bizkey’s crypto payment solution, Justin Sun, the founder of TRON pointed out that the payment industry is a vast but highly competitive market, demanding a high level of integrated commercial resources. TRON has also launched its own Tron Card to facilitate cryptocurrency circulation in daily life. Bizkey’s payment solution and Tron Card are similar in its focus on seamless user experience but differ in target market. Justin Sun said he looks forward to future collaboration between Bizkey and TRON.
Envelop Design for the crypto card in Lan Kwai Fong Token Day

Crypto Gift Card 

All crypto users can claim a FREE crypto gift card containing 100HKD worth of Crypto. 
You can use the Crypto to pay for your drinks at the participating bars.
Posters Design in Lan Kwai Fong Token Day
LanKwaiFong HongKong TokengDay


LanKwaiFong HongKong TokengDay
