Karlann Harmss profil

Health Leadership High School

University of New Mexico
Strategic Planning 
 Campaign Development 
(Communications Department) 

For this course's main semester project, I led a four-person team in creating a marketing campaign for a local non-profit charter school called Health Leadership High School (HLHS), who sought to increase their grants and government funding based on higher enrollment and application volume. We competed against two other teams for the account and won with unanimous decision from the students, principal, and faculty!  In the intensive two-month long competition, we performed student focus group interviews with seven students, a written questionnaire, SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis, and a comprehensive research report on our findings. We then rounded out the semester out with a detailed final plan book and live pitch based on target audience, consistent recognizable branding/colors, budget, and the four Ps of product, promotion, placement, and pricing.   For brevity, just a handful of my individual work examples here include naming the team KKEF (the first letter of each of our names), designing our orange team logo, writing the radio script, majority creative strategy and media recommendations including rebranded messages of who can attend, billboard design, flow chart and budget summary, bonus ideas, and a supplemental conceptual newsletter.  Full plan book available upon request!  
Health Leadership High School

Health Leadership High School
