Hirokazu Shimazakis profil

玉依姫神社-Tamayoribime Jinja-

If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you could visit this website and share it on your social media and blog. URL: https://www.omiyasan.com/north/nagano/post-78.php

This is a shrine located at the foot of Amakazariyama in Matsushiro, Nagano, Japan. It was originally located elsewhere and then moved to its current location, earning the name "Isonamisanshadai Myojin" based on the place name. It was relocated to its current location in 1230. The shrine building itself was constructed in 1833.

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玉依姫神社-Tamayoribime Jinja-


玉依姫神社-Tamayoribime Jinja-
