Masaki Hirokawa's profile

RenovArt | Shapes of Nature - ApuliaAste

RenovArt | Shapes of Nature - ApuliaAste
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
RenovArt | Shapes of Nature
June 1st - 30th, 2023
Spazio Opera Gallery in Matera, Italy

Organized by ApuliaAste of Epifanio Coppi
Curator and project manager Art Historian Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
My artworks have been exhibited in the RenovArt | Shapes of Nature exhibition, hosted by ApuliaAste and held at the Spazio Opera Gallery in Matera, Italy.

RenovArt is a curated project dedicated to the finest artistic talents from around the world. Curated by art historian Carmela Loiacono, it serves as a testament to the regeneration and encouragement of artists both domestically and internationally, and is held for the development and advancement of contemporary art knowledge.

It seems to me that art is most needed in the world following the end of wars. Even when information was divided between the West and East, I have learned from the RenovArt project that art plays a role as a medium of communication, bridging towards peace.

Those who show interest in art and empathize with it in this millennial era of energy transition are probably those who have already lost something important, and are now taking new steps, perhaps with gentle budding.
In the current world, there is new 'life' as much as there is 'death'. At this significant juncture of our era, it is our generation's duty to create a foundation for the children who will nurture the future, to grow with blessings and lead peaceful and happy lives.

I am proud and deeply grateful to have participated in this honorable exhibition from Japan.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
ApuliaAste 主催、イタリアのマテーラにある Spazio Opera Gallery で開催された RenovArt | Shapes of Nature 展に作品を出展いたしました。

RenovArt は国内外の最高の芸術的才能に捧げるキュレーションプロジェクトで、美術史家の Carmela Loiacono 氏により、国内外のアーティストの再生と奨励の証として、現代美術の発展および知識の向上のため開催されました。

アートがこの世界に広く必要とされるのは、戦争が終わった後の世界であるように思います。情報が西側と東側で分断されていたとしても、アートが意思疎通媒体の役割を果たし、平和への架け橋となっていることを、この RenovArt プロジェクトから学び得ました。



Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
ApuliaAste, in mutual collaboration with K-Art International, is glad to announce the collective exhibition Shapes of Nature, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera at Spazio Opera Gallery, from June 01 to 30, 2023.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
In all things of nature there is something wonderful". Aristotle

The nature is a source of inspiration for artists and it provides some elements that allow the reflection on what surrounds the human being and coexists with his physical and mental presence. Therefore, the knowledge of nature leads to the exploration of new worlds and new realities that sublimate the individual to a higher level of existence.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Shapes of Nature aims to create a new link between art and nature, from which each artist could be able to sublimate himself and express his being in a free and unconditional way.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Shapes of Nature is part of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best international artistic talents, that stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development and incentive for international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.
Sunmi Ahn, Republic of Korea | Su Young Ahn, Republic of Korea
Eva Brutmann, Austria | Beatrice Buccella, Italy
Marialucia Ciracì, Italy | Huiyeon Cho, Republic of Korea
Camilla Fransrud, Norway | Julie Hammonds, UK
Masaki Hirokawa, Japan | DoJoong Jo - Soilart, Republic of Korea
Yuna Ko, Republic of Korea | Heesung Lee, Republic of Korea
Myung Sook Lee, Republic of Korea | Soyoon Lee, Republic of Korea
Madoka Naito, Japan | Jean-Charles Neufcour, France
Licia Nuzzi, Italy | Yerang Ryu, Republic of Korea
Takashi Sawano, Japan | Radka Vom, Czech Republic | Pu Wei, China

Spazio Opera Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING June 01, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
June 01 - 30, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM e 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM | From Tuesday to Sunday | ENTRY FREE
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Historian Carmela Loiacono, stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development, and incentive for national and international artists.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
RenovArt aims to promote and enhance the most deserving artists, in order to offer them the opportunity to make themselves known, exhibit and present their works to an audience of curators, journalists, collectors and art lovers, who seek to acquire, publish and encourage the best artistic talents.
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
The main objective is to take care of and support the careers of national and international artists, creating an open dialogue, an exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, painters, photographers, sculptors and professionals for the development and knowledge of Contemporary Art.​​​​​​​
Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
The project RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future will last for one year and is structured in monthly events that will be held in Alberobello (BA), during the famous celebrations held for the past 25 years since the UNESCO recognition of the city of Alberobello (from 6 December 2021 to 6 December 2022), in Matera (MT), and in other prestigious and historic buildings in Puglia and Basilicata.

This artwork was created as a prayer to the Buddhist Kannon Bodhisattva (Bosatsu) for peace to come to the hearts of humankind. Buddhism exists in a realm which transcends philosophy and science, and the gods and Buddha exist beyond time and space. Rather than describe this artwork as being imbued with a prayer, I say that I created it from a single, pure wish, a prayer that the Bodhisattva could manifest within this world.

Karma / 業
Sep 2021 / 100 x 100 cm

The weight of human karma, the daily accumulation of knowledge, and the burdens we carry on our shoulders can often feel overwhelming. However, we must persevere and continue to move forward, even if it means taking one step at a time and only looking at the darkness beneath our feet.

Image courtesy of ApuliaAste | Carmela Loiacono
Starting from 2017 ApuliaAste has created Apulia Eventi, a space dedicated to the production and organization of exhibition events in partnership with public bodies, foundations and museums. Having collaborated for over 20 years with Opera Arte e Arti in the creation of exclusive institutional exhibitions, Apulia Eventi boasts the opportunity to participate in national and European calls.

Special attention is paid to the creation of Modern and Contemporary Art exhibitions. The partnership with the Tree Life company currently in place will also lead to the presentation of innovative multimedia projects, always linked to art as well as to demo-ethno-anthropological paths.

For the scientific aspect, the team makes use of prestigious collaborations with art historians and university departments.

RenovArt | Shapes of Nature - ApuliaAste

RenovArt | Shapes of Nature - ApuliaAste

My artworks have been exhibited in the RenovArt | Shapes of Nature exhibition, hosted by ApuliaAste and held at the Spazio Opera Gallery in Mater Read More
