Snæbjörn S Steingrímsson's profile

Self-Deconstruction & A Look At Art

Self-deconstruction + A Look at Art
This is the first project of our first school year at Marbella Design Academy. It was divided into 6 steps; A representational self-portrait, a continuous line self-portrait, a figurative self-portrait collage, an abstract self-portrait collage, a styling of an art movement or contemporary artist, and the final piece which would sum it all up in abstract form or object. This project was a great way to get to know each other as a collective.

Step 1: A Representational Portrait
We exercised proportions and shading.
Step 1: Final Outcome
Step 2: A Continuous Line
Step 3: Final outcome
Step 3: A Figurative Collage
Step 4: An Abstract Collage
Step 5: A Styling of a Contemporary Artist
Hugleikur Dagsson
Step 5: Final Outcome
Step 6: Final Piece
I placed my illustration inspired by Hulli in a "Where is Waldo" environment, to playfully portray the feeling of being misplaced. 
A Look At Art
Second part of this project was to write a 2000 words essay about an artist of choice, I chose Giotto.
Self-Deconstruction & A Look At Art

Self-Deconstruction & A Look At Art
