Pureun Seo's profile

FASTFIVE Seoulstation

Co-working Space FASTFIVE Seoul-Station 

Area : 2, 6, 7, 8, 9F - 1,273 py
Site : 366, Hangang-dearo, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Theme : Seoul Garden Forest

Design Key Elements 
1. Contact - Steel, Plywood
It reminds me of the railroad at Seoul Station.It's stainless steel frame.
A chair made of wood.
The soft and warm sensibility of the tree is cold, but it meets neat metal.
It is to create a contact point between the train station and nature.

2. Natural - Environment, Plant
Active inflow of surrounding natural elements into the indoor space to meet the artificial architectural environment and the natural environment.
3. Raw - Stone, Tile
Material where you can feel the physical properties of the raw material.
4. Identity - Point Color
CI color orange has been applied as a new finishing material to community desks and tables, which are identity elements of FASTFIVE.​​​​​​​
FASTFIVE Seoulstation