Sabir - Diploma project
The alphabet, its system, is a powerful factor of cultural identity.
    However, the diversity of alphabetic systems is shrinking more and more before the standardization of the Latin alphabet, especially since the appearance of computers. Whether Latinization is done for political or globalization purposes, it leads to a withdrawal of identity, a threat to the plurality of cultural values.
    So I would like to offer a different reading experience.
    Taking as raw material the Latin alphabet, I want to deconstruct it, enrich it with other invisible alphabets. I change the "formula", gradually introducing the characteristics of other alphabets, which intertwine, complement each other, coexist, in a visual cacophony that evokes several languages ​​spoken at the same time. This act of hybridization of alphabetic systems takes place within the novel Bilingual Love by Abdelkebir Khatibi, thus revealing the concept of interculturality, and correlatively of tolerance.
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