International Public Art Festival (IPAF) hosted by BAZ-ART 

What was the  brief?

I was invited to paint my very first mural at the 4th International Public Art Festival (IPAF) that took place in Salt River, Cape Town from 12-16 February 2020. Every year there is a theme and the theme of that year was ‘DIGITALISATION’.

The Solution

On the premise of the previous year, where so much content was being censored in media, I wanted to create a bold typographic mural that touched on this by pixelating the word. Not only did this reflect on our digital society and being censored externally, it also touched a bit on our personal censorship with internal censorship, and themes of ‘felt cute, might delete later’ or not even posting an image at all fearing being censored by online viewers.

Role on the project

Ideation, design and execution of mural with the assistance of Dekor One. Dekor One is a a known South African street artist and also my husband.



